One Little Dream
Price 16.48 USD
"One Little Dream", the second solo CD released by Mihana Souza, opens with an invitation to a dream with a vigorous Ho"okipa Aloha, or Family Chant of Welcome which (translated from Hawaiian into English) says: Our welcome rises like the scent of a flower, gently touching you, our friends who have come. In the beginning, a very generous spirit blossomed here and it reaches out to surround you and to draw you close...come, come and enjoy the scent of this very special flower. Although not traditionally performed, Mihana"s expressive musical talents convinced this conservative composer, to allow her to "run with it." And run with it she does, while at the same time, giving notice to all listeners that this is an unusual flower who brings with her, indeed, an extraordinary dream. Followed by sharing of "ono grinds," delicious food for the body; mixed with anticipation and desire, heartache and new understandings for the heart; and ending with dreams, kingly commands and blessings..."care for the land, care for eachother, perservere and go forth in righteousness" for the soul; this CD, "One Little Dream", proves to be more than an eclectic mix of music. "One Little Dream" becomes a timeless reflection, and a powerful remembrance of love"s lasting hold. So come... BREATHE deeply this scented air...linger...and enjoy Mihana and her "One Little Dream." Me kealoha, Hailama Farden