
EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9781584230892

Brand Gingko Press

Metalheart is a book about the passion of digital design and the remarkable power of the pixel. It started as a project in 1998 when Swedish designers Andreas Lindholm and Anders F. Ršnnblom sent the emBOXX/Brainreactor Prototype CD containing fonts and ÜD typefaces to a selection of designers for digital experimentation. They asked the designers to use and abuse their alphabets and send them back artworks for publication in this book. Response was slow at first but after Andreas" spectacular graphics were published in EFX Art & Design magazine they started to receive some fantastically innovative files. Metalheart is an explosive collection of shapes, shadows and colors that could not have been created without the aid of digital software. Guest artists include Lou Zadesky, Albert Kiefer, Derek Prospero, Klas Jonsson, Cameron Redwine and many more. The accompanying CD-ROM includes postscript fonts, 3D typeface images with alpha-channels and paths, samples from Metalheart background royalty-free collections, 100 MB in all.