The Works of Edgar Allan Poe
Price 7.82 - 10.17 USD
Riciun jcaH ,1 ji. I PREFACE TO THE POEMS. ,, rftat to A ct of Coogim ta yw 14 ,br J. 8. I lKD riKL n, HARVARD UNIVERSITY LIBRARY OCT 081980 i Thehi tri Sat are eo Ueo Mand repu Uitbed chie Ajwith a Tiew to their redemptioa from the man impro Temeots to which thoy hare been rahjeoted while going at random the roimds of the press. I am natvrallj aiudous that what I hare writton should circohito as I wroto it if it circalato at alL In defence of my own taste, nerertheloss, it it i Meimibent upon me to saj that I tliink nothing in this Tidume of mneli Taltie to the pnblie, or Teiy creditable to myself. Erenta not to be eentro Ucd hare prerented me from making, at any time, any eerious eort in what mider happier circumstances, would hare been the field of my choice. With me poetry has been not a purpose, but a passioo; and the passions should be held in rererence; they must not they caanot at will be excited, with an eye to the paltry oorapensatieiii er the Boie paltry eommendatioiii of nan Uad. A. P. ir aaa 1) ar ci A. (Typographical errors above are due to OCR software and don"t occur in the book.) About the Publisher Forgotten Books is a publisher of historical writings, such as: Philosophy, Classics, Science, Religion, History, Folklore and Mythology. Forgotten Books" Classic Reprint Series utilizes the latest technology to regenerate facsimiles of historically important writings. Careful attention has been made to accurately preserve the original format of each page whilst digitally enhancing the aged text. Read books online for free at