Silent Night: The Song from Heaven

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9780887763953

Brand Tundra Books

As amazing as it seems, one of the world’s best-loved Christmas carols may have been written because of ravenous mice! Right before Christmas, 1818, in a church in the small town of Oberndorf, Austria, the mice were so hungry they chewed a hole in the church organ’s leather bellows. To provide his parishioners with music on the holiest of nights, the priest jotted down the words for a Christmas song, and he asked the church organist to write a melody for two solo voices and a guitar. That evening “Stille Nacht,” known as “The Song from Heaven,” was born. Silent Night: The Song from Heaven presents the story of the carol, accompanied by beautiful and intricate gold scherenschnitte (cut paper art) illustrations. Today, “Silent Night,” the gentle anthem born of necessity, is sung around the world in nearly one hundred languages – thanks to a few hungry mice!