The Game Cook

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9781852237769

Game is no longer available only to those who shoot it, but has become widely accessible through game dealers, supermarkets and other high street outlets. The aim of this book is to reveal its versatility to the less experienced game cook and to provide many easy-to-follow recipes. It covers all the major game species - pheasant, grouse, woodpigeon, venison, rabbit, hare snipe, woodcock and blackcock providing details on preparation and storage, and offers ideas for accompaniments to game dishes, including dressings, sauces and stuffings. Carolyn Little, a freelance cookery journalist, was formerly Assistant Editor of "Countrysport" magazine, which she founded together with her husband. She has undertaken many catering assignments for shooting parties on the Duke of Buccleuch"s estate, which lies adjacent to her home in the Scottish Borders.