Working with Aggressive Youth in Open Settings: A Sourcebook for Child Care Providers

Price 17.40 USD

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9780938510161

Brand Boys Town Pr

This book shows how to successfully manage aggressive behavior exhibited by youth in open, nonsecure settings such as schools, foster homes, shelters, and camps. It discusses how to prevent milder forms of aggression from escalating into serious, violent behavior and how staff can build relationships with youth. This book will help you understand the roots of aggressive behavior and how you can reverse the pattern and help youth develop positive relationships with adults and peers. Learn how your emotional control can defuse a crisis and help the youth regain control. The book describes how to build on the special strengths and qualities of youth and to teach them alternative ways of behaving. Topics include characteristics, correlates, and risk factors of aggressive youth, setting tolerance levels, pinpointing aggressive behavior, relationship-building and Effective Praise, teaching alternatives to aggressive behavior, the short-term solution of crisis intervention, and the long-term solution of problem-solving.