Breast Cancer: A Practical Guide, 2e

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9780444505651

The second edition of this highly popular title has now been fully updated, and includes the latest data presented at the 36th ASCO conference held earlier this year. New chapters are also included on: Adjuvant Endocrine Therapy in Pre- and Post-Menopausal women, Psychosocial Sequelae of Breast Cancer, Care of the Dying Patient and Issues in Breast Cancer Liability. The same outline format has been retained from the first edition to highlight key concepts and the reader is provided with the references for the most current studies and trials, landmark articles and review publications on many of the topics and subtopics related to breast cancer. Special features of the book are an Appendix which features an extended version of the table of contents with all of the citations referred to in the book embedded in it, a comprehensive alphabetical index where the various names for the conditions are cross referenced and an Appendix featuring the brand names for the chemotherapeutic agents described in the book.