Paddles the Amazing Rabbit
I was born in upstate New York, in a little farming town called Chateaugay. The winters were long and the summers were always too short. I got to appreciate the seasonal changes of watching the first snow fall of winter along with the appearance of the green grass growing up through in the spring. I always looked forward to the summer warmth and marveled at the fall colors on the maple trees. These memories are still tucked away in my mind. I appreciate all the wonders that are around us and never take them for granted. I married in 1983, and two years later my wife developed cancer. During chemotherapy she felt very alone and scared and wanted something to ease her discomfort and fear. She decided she wanted a rabbit, and not long after she wanted a friend for that rabbit. She ended up with more than she bargained for. One of them that stood out over the rest was Paddles. He was a ham about getting his picture taken. As soon as she brought out the camera, he was posing for her. That is where the real inspiration of Paddles the Amazing Rabbit began. He was an incredible rabbit and gave my wife and all who knew him great joy and pleasure. I am now living in Yucaipa, California, where I don"t see the seasonal changes as much, although I still continue to appreciate the wonders of nature. The grand and majestic view of Big Bear Mountain is breathtaking, and the birds that frequent our backyard are fascinating. There is always something to appreciate and draw inspiration from. I get a lot of satisfaction out of people enjoying anything I create. I thank God for giving me the opportunity to share.