Art of Man-Fishing & Words to Winners of Souls

Price 7.19 - 13.33 USD

Thomas Boston (1676-1732) was an eminent Scottish Presbyterian minister. He is already well-known by serious Christian book buyers as his writings have been republished often in the years since his death. Boston"s writing can be characterized as easy to understand and straightforward, while yet remaining true to a strong Calvinistic doctrinal testimony. His books contain profound spiritual truth and are very searching concerning a vital and living relationship with the Lord Christ Jesus. A faithful soul-winners" guide to Calvinistic evangelism. Recommended by John Macarthur. Boston (1676-1732) was a Scottish Puritan preacher. He was a first-class Hebrew scholar. Jonathan Edwards described Boston as "a truly great divine. The author spent twelve years writing, and perfecting, this book It was received with praise on both sides of the Atlantic Ocean. Boston wrote several other books also. 84 pages, paperback