Ireland: Historical Echoes, Contemporary Politics (Nations of the Modern World)

Price 48.35 USD

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9780813332475

Brand Perseus

In one generation, modern Ireland has experienced rapid political, economic, and social transformation. Every aspect of Irish life and public policy has changed. Ireland: Historical Echoes, Contemporary Politics charts and explains the facets of that change--including the nation"s economic development strategy, the education revolution, Irish language policy, the path of Church-State relations, the impact of the media, the dynamic role of women, and constitutional and political development as well. The book also charts Ireland"s place in Europe and the world through the Second Irish Renaissance in music, literature, and the arts.Finnegan and McCarron also discuss the explosion of bitter ethnic conflict in the North. From the 1968 Civil Rights Movement to the 1998 Belfast Agreement, the authors examine the ensuing violence, the changing role of Sin Fein and the IRA, and the role of the United States in the conflict, and in the search for peace.