Weird Animals (Crabapples)

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9780865057173

Created by Bobbie Kalman, author of more than 180 bestselling children"s books, Crabapples are "starter" non-fiction books for primary students. Each entertaining book features fascinating, easy-to-understand information along with awesome full-color photos and illustrations on animals, sea life, machinery and many other subjects kids are curious about. They also contain the all-important glossary and index young students need to do reports.Features: -- "Starter" non-fiction for younger readers-- Large-size photographs and simple, easy-to-understand style-- A multitude of subjects that fascinate childrenThis entertaining and informative book explains how certain animals have unusual bodies or habits which may seem strange but which serve a purpose for the animal.Other topics include: -- the manatee, also known as the "sea cow," a large friendly sea mammal that actually looks like a cow-- the mudskipper -- a fish that is able to hunt on land and even climb trees