Fun Exercise Kit: Wai Lana"s Little Yogis

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9781932493351

Brand Wai Lana

Little Yogis DVD, Vols. 1 & 2 Kids and parents love the award-winning Little Yogis DVDs. Wai Lana makes yoga a treat with two fun-filled workouts, which include:> All kinds of fun exercises for strong bodies and sound minds * Colorful cartoons, catchy songs, and cute animals * Fun learning games Other special features:* Customized workouts * Banda Sonora en Español Run time: Approx. 30 minutes each Recommended for ages 3 and above Fun Exercise Book FUN EXERCISE does far more than simply help kids remember their yoga poses. Colorful, imaginative, and richly detailed, this enchanting book entertains your kids with hilarious animals, fun games, silly jokes, and beautiful illustrations.