The Poor Bastard

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9781896597676

Meet Joe Matt, a talented cartoonist with strong ideas about how life should be lived. He makes no apologies and never compromises. Well, almost never. Actually, Joe Matt is a painfully honest man who doesn"t mind admitting - in print, in cartoon form - that he has one or two flaws. Just minor ones. "The Poor Bastard" is his neurotic, compelling and utterly shameless account of some of the most personal details of his life. With the timing of a stand-up comedian, he leaves no aspect untouched, from the disintegration of personal relationships to the grim realities of life in a Toronto rooming house and his obsession with pornography - or, as Joe prefers, "nature films". Watch as he alienates lovers and friends in a candid and hilarious story about his ruthless quest for a woman who understands him and meets his ridiculous standards. This is Joe Matt: neurotic, compulsive, cheap, self-absorbed - human. And funny.