Nothing Bad Ever Happens in Tiffany"s (Pocket Penguins 70"s)

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9780141022710

Brand Penguin UK

Pocket Penguin 8Marian KeyesNothing Bad Ever Happens in Tiffany"sEvery book tells a story ... And the 70 titles in the Pocket Penguins series are emblematic of the renowned breadth and quality that formed part of the original Penguin vision in 1935 and that continue to define our publishing today. Together, they tell one version of the unique story of Penguin Books.Marian Keyes spearheaded a new wave of contemporary women"s fiction providing wickedly funny tales of twenty- and thirty-somethings living and loving on the edge. No stranger to the roadless commonly travelled herself, Marian has also written two collections of tales and observations from her own life. Nothing Bad Ever Happens in Tiffany"s is a small but perfectly formed selection of these.