
Originally published in 1940.Contents Include CALVINISM AS A DOGMATIC SYSTEM The Knowledge of God Knowledge of Gog and Self-Knowledge The Knowledge of God from Natural Religion The Biblical Doctrine of Creation and Providence Man"s Fallen State The Perfect Standard of Righteousness in the Law The Mediation through Christ The Appropiation of Salvation through Christ The Holy Spirit and Faith Repentance Justification by Faith The Nature of Justification Christian Liberty Prayer The Eternal Election Church and Sacraments The Nature of the Church Preaching and the Sacraments Baptism The Lord"s Supper CALVINISM AS AN ECCLESIASTICAL SYSTEM The Organization and the Ministry Calvinism on the Continent of Europe At Geneva The Reformed Church in Swittzerland,Germany and the Netherlands Caqlvinism in France Calvininsm in the English Speaking World SOME ASPECTS OF CALVINISM The Calvinism View of Scripture The Principle of Authority in Calvinism The Calvinisic Way of Life Calvinism and the Social Order Church and State The Revived Interest in Calvinism