Country Skills and Crafts: How to use, barter or sell what you raise, grow and make
Price 17.99 USD
TASTE YOUR OWN FRESH EGGS; JAR YOUR FIRST BATCH OF HONEY; SPREAD YOUR OWN STRAWBERRY JAM ON YOUR TOAST - AND HAVE SOME TO EXCHANGE WITH YOUR NEIGHBOURS, OR SELL FROM YOUR STALL IN THE FARMER"S MARKET. More and more people want to acquire a set of new skills or build on their existing knowledge of the wide range of traditional cottage industries and country crafts. And more people than ever are also relocating to the countryside in search of a relaxed and locally-aware way of life. If you aspire to live a simpler, more sustainable and self- sufficient life, this book is for you. You too can live well, have fun and generate some income at the same time, whatever your background or current ability. The authors show you how to gain a practical knowledge of: LIVESTOCK - keeping your own bees, goats, and chickens; PLANTS - growing your own herbs, soft fruit, and flowers for cutting; FOOD AND DRINK - producing your own cheese, sweet preserves, cider and mead; CRAFTS - making your own dyed fabrics, soaps and chicken coops. The book also features a case study of an expert in each field, who not only lives the good life in different areas of the UK, but has also developed a successful business enterprise from their own particular craft or skill.