SERVIS M3410 M3412 M342 M348 M3510 M360 M3610 M3612 M3712 Door INTERLOCK SWITCH

Price 6.83 - 22.03 USD

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 5053429711120

Brand Servis

Manufacture Spares4appliances Ltd

Please email us with your model number, and any serial numbers, to confirm this part will fit your appliance. Suitable for the following Servis models- 1200, 3092A, 3094G, 3096G, 360, M3001, M3005S, M3005W, M3006B, M3006G, M3006W, M3008B, M3008G, M3008S, M3008W, M3009A, M3010W, M3011A, M3012W, M3014, M3015A, M3016A, M301B, M301W, M302W, M3060, M3061A, M306B, M306B TAI, M306B-M9OKO, M306W, M306W IRL, M306W MT, M306W OS, M306W TAI, M306W(OKO), M308B, M308B-M9OKO, M308W, M308W MT, M308W OS, M308W(OKO), M308W-1 75, M3090, M3094, M3100B, M3100C, M3100G, M3100S, M3101A, M3101A-1, M3102A, M3102A-S, M3103A-W, M3104G, M3104S, M3104W, M3106, M3106B, M3106G, M3108W, M310A, M310B, M310B-M9, M310W, M310W MT, M310W(OKO), M310W-1 75, M3110C, M3110W, M3111B, M3112W, M3114, M3115G, M3115S, M3115W, M312W, M318B, M318W, M3190B, M3200B, M3200C, M3200G, M3200S, M3201, M3208, M3208B, M3208G, M320W, M3210, M3210B, M3210G, M3211, M3212, M3212B, M3212G, M3212S, M328W, M330, M3309W, M3311W, M332, M338, M340, M340X, M3410, M3412, M342, M342X, M348, M3510AL, M3510B, M3510G, M3510S, M3510W, M360W TAI, M3610, M3612, M3712B, M3712G, M3712S, M3712W, M3800A, M3800G, M3800S, M3800W, M380W-Q, M3810, M3810G, M3810S, M3814, M3814AL, M3902B-I, M3903, M3904, M3905W, M391, M391B, M392, M6000, M6000-1, M6002S, M6002W, M6003, M6003-1, M6003S, M6003S-1, M6005S, M6005S-1, M6005W-1, M6006AL, M6006W-1, M6011, M6011-1, M6011S, M6011S-1, M6011UK, M6012, M6012S, M6012W, M6013AL, M6015, M6030S, M6030W, M6031AL, M6040S, M6040W, M6050S, M6050W, M610W, M610W-1, M6110, M6111A, M6115, M6115S, M6125, M612B, M612B-2, M612W, M612W-2, M612W-3, M6130A, M6135, M6140AL, M6160S, M6160W, M6216AL, M6500S, M6500W, M6500W-1, M6503S, M6503W, M6504W, M6505S, M6505S-1, M6505W, M6512S, M6512W, M6513S, M6513W, M6515S, M6515W, M6516S, M6516W, M6601S, M6601W, M6602W, M6604W, M6612, M6614W, M6651W, M6652W, M6654S, M6654W, M6666, M6702BL, M6702S, M6702W, M6704W, M6705W, M6712W, M6713W, M6715W, M6723W, M6725BL, M6725S, M6725W, M6753W, M6