Cardiology current perspectives (Vol. 2)
Price 100.43 - 148.64 USD
At nearly every cardiology conference, whether in Europe or in the U.S., new clinical trial data is published. At times, so much information is published that the busy clinical cardiologist does not have time to keep abreast of the latest and preferred therapies. This successive volume examines advances that have taken place since the previous version, and it explores various therapeutic options for the cardiovascular patient and the cost implications for the hospital. Topics in this latest edition include blood pressure control, transmyocardial revascularization, endothelial dysfunction and the effect certain diseases and treatments have on the heart, such as alcoholism, hormone replacement therapy and diabetes. Cardiology; Current Perspectives is the ideal distillation of the most important and topical issues in cardiology; as such, it is indispensable for cardiologists, heart surgeons and researchers in the field.