Ecological Aesthetics: Art in Environmental Design: Theory and Practice
Ecological and artistic approaches to designing our environment raise important questions which have to be faced by all designers of urban spaces, gardens or landscape: whether to conserve or to intervene, to rely on natural order or apply man-made means and whether to lend nature a romantic or a technocratic appearance. Which approaches to design and artistic concepts are able to unite these seemingly contradictory poles to create sophisticated projects in harmony with nature? In this publication landscape architects, artists, philosophers, social scientists and natural scientists provide answers to these central questions in landscape design and environmental art. Amongst the 17 authors are Jacques Leenhardt (F), Massimo Venturi Ferriolo (I), Udo Weilacher (D), Malcom Miles (GB), Tim Collins (USA) and Jochen Boberg from the MD Berlin with whom this book is co-produced. This volume contains works by more than 50 international artists and landscape architects, among them the internationally renowned Herman Prigann, one of the most active landscape artists. His work is extensively presented here for the first time, and represents four decades of continuing commitment to artistic and ecologically oriented landscape design.