Twelve Reformation Heroes

Price 8.74 USD

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9781840301083

A tale of courage of a high order is told in these pages, gripping all who admire the courageous as they behold twelve of the best known Reformers of various European countries play their part in a great historic drama. The days in which they lived were dark and dangerous; the Bible an unknown Book because it had not then been translated into the language of the common people. To dare to expose and condemn appalling sins of a corrupt church demanded unusual courage. But to preach the pure Gospel of God"s grace, without works, sacraments or money, and to translate and circulate the sacred Scriptures meant to be branded as vile heretics. Yet these brave Reformers were prepared for sufferings, sacrifice, and even death itself, in order to accomplish their God-given task. By doing so they broke the shackles of superstition, dispelled the darkness of ignorance, and flooded the world with the glorious light of salvation by faith.