Price 30.39 USD
Limited Edition 10,000Poltergeist was produced by Spielberg and directed by Tobe Hooper (The Texas Chainsaw Massacre). Set in a fictional Southern California development, it tells the harrowing tale of a typical suburban family whose home is invaded by demonic spirits. It blends elements from previous Spielberg films in a new mix that is part sci-fi, part horror, and part contemporary thriller-all genres in which Jerry Goldsmith excelled. Goldsmith"s score flows effortlessly between hard-core, dissonant modernism and some of the most lyrical, humanistic music he ever wrote. It is both a marvel of musical construction and a visceral listening experience. Composed over an uncharacteristically long period of fifteen weeks, the music for Poltergeist evokes both child-like simplicity and sheer terror. The complete presentation of the score on Disc 1 includes several passages that were not used in the film.As a bonus, disc 2 also includes the re-recorded suite of cues (including one previously unreleased) from Goldsmith"s The Prize (1963). Originally recorded for MGM LP, four of these tracks were included on FSM"s CD of the complete score, but all five have now been remixed for superior sound quality from newly-discovered ½" three-track masters.The CD booklet also includes a personal reminiscence from Bruce Botnick about the 1982 Poltergeist recording sessions, as well as the original LP notes by Steven Spielberg. In the legendary producer"s words, "Jerry"s music conjures many classical impressions of ferocious drive and at the same time, cathedral beauty. So...let the imagination wander. Pleasant dreams."