Say What? New Words Around Town: The A-Z of Smart Talk
Price 16.16 USD
Rarely does a humor title come along that is a true gem. Destined to be an instant classic, this is one such book. Containing hundreds of "new words," it is a marvelous collection of hilarious expressions invented by the extraordinary comic mind of Keith Barker Main. Wry, dry, sly, sometimes rude, but always laugh-out-loud funny, his intelligent brand of humor casts an irreverent look at the age we live in and condenses modern clichés in our society into truly memorable words, some of which have already entered the Oxford English Dictionary. For the last several years, millions of readers of Metro newspaper have delighted in the comic creations of this cheeky modern wordsmith and now, with superb illustrations throughout, this book is set to take the humor market by storm.