Osha Compliance Guide for Medical Employers

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9780735559110

Brand Aspen Pub

This guide is a concise and authoritative manual designed for practitioner offices and clinics, medical and dental laboratories, health care facilities, nursing homes, home health, and allied services. The 5th Edition of the Guide includes: A new CD containing all of the sample safety plans in this Guide , with interactive features that allow you to modify, save, and print using Microsoft Word; new sample Initial Screening and Device Evaluation forms, which help employers meet their obligations under the Bloodborne Pathogens Standard; information on assigned protection factors, which OSHA requires employers to use when selecting respirators, along with an updated sample Respiratory Protection Plan that reflects these new requirements; numerous new checklists and training topics, including beryllium, animal handling, and more. In an easy to read, jargon-free format, the "OSHA Compliance Guide for Medical Employers" discusses those OSHA standards most frequently overlooked and violated by employers. It helps businesses implement and comply with OSHA standards.