Let Our Violins Be Heard

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 801655118528

Brand Tragic Hero

Manufacture S & J Cd Duplication

Incorporating melody, brutality, and beauty, to respire a stagnant music industry are Scapegoat: the five-piece hard rock band hailing from Charlotte, North Carolina. Established in 1999, Scapegoat has proven adamant with their driven work ethic to create inventive and passionate compositions. The band, comprised of Justin Driscoll (guitar), Daniel Hitselberger (drums), Dan Royer (bass), Kit Walters (vocals) and Spencer Bensch (guitar), are relentless in their pursuits to satisfy onlookers and capture new audiences. This band does everything a group should, without adhering to the boring, steadfast rules which produce generic, uninspiring acts. Countless live shows and promotion aided their rapid yet consistent movement of product. In 2002, after a successful debut CD and the release of their sophomore effort "Element of Design," Scapegoat was quickly becoming common conversation. In 2004 the band released their highly anticipated creation "These Cards We"re Dealt" to a sold-out hometown crowd. The CD has sold over 9656 units since February 2004, making Scapegoat the second largest East Coast seller according to Music Monitor Magazine. This latest album from Scapegoat, entitled "Let Our Violins Be Heard," was released as a single CD in November 2005, and the band has taken it on the road, selling over 2,000 copies at shows around the Southeastern United States and over the internet to foreign markets.