Photography: Essays & Images

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9780870703874

This handsomely illustrated volume presents a fascinating pictorial and literary experience, bringing to life through their own words -- and photographs -- the scientists, artists, philosophers, innovators, and entrepreneurs who in the last century and a half have formulated a new art and a new era of communication. Beaumont Newhall calls this book "an autobiography of the art of photography, written by some of the men and women who by their inventive genius, their scientific skill, and their artistic sensibility have forged a technique into a vital visual medium. We have allow them to speak to us directly, without condensing, excerpting, or otherwise editing their words. Mr Newhall has chosen 190 photographs to illustrate the reports, criticism, and points of view expressed by the writers of the "autobiography," many from the photographic archive of "The Museum of Modern Art, others from collections throughout the world.