Dragon Boy Part II Strangest Thing: The Wonder Years (Modern Dragon) (Pt. II)

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9780595198573

Benji, doesn"t feel a part of this world. Could it have something to do with the celestials who seem to show much interest in him? Benji"s experience with women seems to mirror the one with his mother--cold and distant. Just as his mother never seems to fully accept him, neither do the girls with whom he tries to establish relationships. Benji continues trying to make sense of it all, but what can anyone say to a boy who faced death before he was born and whose life is shrouded in mystery? Jesus appears often in Benji"s dreams, comforting him and telling him about a challenging journey the youth must endure. Though Benji has visualized his journey many times, he still feels he"s not really a part of this world. Could it have something to do with the old bearded man who comforts him and protects him in times of great danger, or the celestials who seem to show much interest in him?