Caring for the Dying Patient and the Family

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9781565933286

The central focus of this text is the awareness of the dying patient"s humanity as a living being - with physical, emotional, social and spiritual needs. With the increasing emphasis on quality of life in health care, greater demands are now being placed on health professionals to provide better care. This care is based on knowledge and understanding of dying patients and their families, and the skills to train a wide range of staff, volunteers and relatives to assist in care. Each chapter has been thoroughly revised and updated. New research has been added throughout. The result of these changes is to present a current view of palliative care, recognising the value of the multi-professional health team and new medical technology. The chapters on communications, medical care, care of children and patients with AIDS have been completely rewritten. In addition, there are three new chapters on use and purpose of a day centre, place of complementary therapy and issues of bereavement. This book should be of interest to nurses and professionals working in terminal care.