The Silver Short Line: A History of the Virginia and Truckee Railroad

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9780870460647

Fascinating and well-written history of the Virginia & Truckee Railroad by two noted railroad authors. The authors trace the rise of Virginia City and the Comstock Lode, the subsequent construction of the V&T, the years of the richest little short line in the world, the years of declining revenue, the rise of the excursion trips, the coming of Beebe and Clegg, the struggle to preserve the line and the ultimate abandonment. Illustrated throughout with hundreds of rare black and white photos, drawings and illustrations from all eras. With rosters (locomotives, passenger cars, freight cars, service and maintenance of way cars), maps, timetables, list of films that used V&T equipment, scale drawings for modelers, and bibliography. Decorative end papers show aerial view of Virginia City. 260 pages with index.