The Mystery of the Blood of Jesus - Blood is Sin and Sin is Devil Christ was made Sin for us by his Blood

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9781935097464

The genesis of this book came to me as a revelation from Almighty God. I received this wisdom of God when I was incarcerated and jailed at Metropolitan Correctional Center--New York (MCC NY). It all started one morning when I was praying in the cell. Suddenly, I felt a strong lifting of my mind within my brain. As I recovered from that emotional feeling, the knowledge of the entire Bible came to me. I began to read the Bible intensively and carefully observed every word. I noticed that the divine knowledge which I received was in line with the Bible. I clearly understood what happened to me. God wants to speak to us as a nation through this book, and I think no human wisdom can challenge God"s message. This book contains the mysteries of God that are hidden in the Bible. I call it an auxiliary Bible, which by all academic standards has the potential to make a positive impact on our society. It contains timely information and will impact many people"s daily lives.