Attack of the Drones

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9780760318256

Nowhere in the world of military technology is the transition from science fiction to science fact more astounding than in the dark world of autonomous aerial combat vehicles. Before there were autonomous war machines, there were unmanned war machines. After a brief history of unmanned aerial vehicles, we reach the autumn of 2001. At that time, unmanned, remotely-piloted reconnaissance aircraft were first adapted for offensive combat operations. However, even at that time, work was already progressing on the first generation of combat aircraft that could both fly AND fight without crews.- Latest technology in the quest for the "robotic battlefield"- Subject of a "PBS" documentary and "History Channel" specials- Another key anti-terrorist weapon (and so far, very successful)About the AuthorBill Yenne is the author of more than three dozen books, mainly on historical topics. Before turning to a career as an author, Mr. Yenne was a nationally-recognized artist and illustrator. His illustrations have appeared in a number of national magazines, including Rolling Stone, and several of his paintings are in the official collection of the US Air Force. He is the author of the 2003 title The American Brewery, also from MBI Publishing Company. He lives in San Francisco, California.