Fathers of Sci-Fi/"Dr. Ox"s Experiment"/"Dr. Ox"s Experiment",Continued/"the Plattner Story"/"the Plattner Story", Continued (Mystery)

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9781555691158

Jules Verne spins an engrossing tale of a bizarre scientific experiment. Is Dr. Ox a benevolent philanthropist or a madman? Visit the town of Quiquendone in France where a staid, contented citenzry becomes an angry, warlike mob overnight. What can account for this dramatic change? HG Wells takes you on a spellbinding journey to a strange world and macabre events! Did Gottfried Plattner leave his body and travel through space? Was it a dream or did it really happen? And if a dream, how can his knowledge of events he could not have known about be explained? 2 complete and unabridged classics from the Fathers of Science fiction.