Wine Tasting Journal
Whether you are a connoisseur with an extensive wine cellar or a more modest wine drinker who simply enjoys sharing a bottle of wine at dinner, this journal will help you to develop your wine tasting skills and thereby enhance your appreciation of the subtle complexities of wine. By taking the time to employ proper wine tasting techniques and making tasting notes in this journal you will have a permanent record of each wine tasting experience. This is invaluable for the serious wine collector who wants to carefully monitor the condition of his cellar - to record the subtle changes that develop over time and ensure that those fine reds are maturing as anticipated. But it is also useful for the casual wine drinker who wants a record of which wines have been purchsed and which were found to be most enjoyable either alone or with food. These notes can then be used to guide future wine selections and purchases as preferences for certain varieties, regions or styles are developed. The appreciation of wine is a passion that can be developed over a life time and is truly one of the great joys of life. Cheers!