Betty Kamen"s 1,001 Health Secrets

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9780944501177

The essential guide to nutritional healing based on the latest medical research. This is "the skeptics guide" to alternative health care. For over fifty years, Betty Kamen"s specialty has been her ability to extract the most promising developments from the huge body of published medical and nutritional research. She presents these findings in a common-sense format that helps resolve many of the controversies in alternative health care, with hard data from published sicentific reports. One of Betty"s favorite mediums for imparting information is the Internet. Her daily Table Talk Nutrition Hint email provides readers with a short, user-fiendly health tip based on the most current research. Now, by popular demand, the best 1,001 of these health secrets are collected in one volume and organized according ot the medical condition they address. Use this book to sort out the conflicting claims and counter-claims found in the complicated world of alternative health and nutrition - not with anecdotes, conjecture or hype, but with peer-reviewed reports of controlled experiments published in repspected medical hournals. If necessary, you can even use this book to help open your physician"s eyes. Conventional medicine tends to lag behind the latest research, especially when new conclusions challenge the orthodoxy of mainstream medical practices. Armed with the scientific sutdies that Betty has collected here, you can play a more active and informed role in the course of your own health care.