Bulletin of the Essex Institute (Volume 25-27 )

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EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9781235780158

This historic book may have numerous typos and missing text. Purchasers can download a free scanned copy of the original book (without typos) from the publisher. Not indexed. Not illustrated.1893 Excerpt: ... GEOLOGICAL AND MINERALOGICAL NOTES, NO. 9. BY JOHN H. SEARS, Curator of Mineralogy and Geology, Peabody Academy of Science, Salem, Massachusetts. LIST OF THE MINERALS OF ESSEX COUNTY, MASSACHUSETTS. The following list of the minerals of Essex County has been prepared after a careful examination of the work of the earlier mineralogists and dilligent search in almost every portion of the county for species not previously noticed. With so few persons devoting themselves to the study of mineralogy or collecting specimens in this region, it is not possible to present an absolutely complete list. Of the minerals here enumerated nearly all are represented by excellent specimens in the County collection in the museum of the Peabody Academy of Science in Salem. As early as 1821, Prof. J. W. Webster discovered the minerals epidote and fibrous prenhite at Nahant and made analyses of them (American Journal of Science, Vol. in, page 364), and in 1823 he discovered the green feldspar and zircon crystals at the hill on the south side of the common in Beverly. In the analysis of the green feldspar he mentions the metallic particles in the compound, which, he writes, are probably oxide of titanium (Boston Journal of Philosophy, Vol. I, pp. 390-599). In the American Journal of Science (Vol. xxxiv, p. 402, 1838), is recorded the discovery by Prof. C. U. Shepard, of twelvesided crystals of colurnbite and hemitropic crystals of tin ore in the green feldspar rock at Beverly. From examinations of the minerals in the green feldspar rock of Beverly, I am inclined to think that the crystals of tin ore may have been titanite or titaniferous magnetite, as this mineral is quite abundant in the rock,--in fact, it is abundant in all of the varieties of the nepheline and elseolite-zircon-...