The Lean Healthcare Pocket Guide (Please see The New Lean Healthcare Pocket Guide)

Price 26.79 USD

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9780977072026

The Lean Healthcare Pocket Guide (Please see The New Lean Healthcare Pocket Guide) is the collection of input from healthcare professionals and Lean sensei. It provides easy-to-use and easy-to-understand tools, methods, and concepts based on the world-class Toyota Motor Company. These practices are commonly referred to as Lean. The tools of value stream mapping, takt time, pitch, standard work, visual controls, predictable output, Six Sigma, goals and outcomes, etc. are all clearly explained in relationship to the healthcare environment. Numerous tools and concepts contain case studies to further assist staff in their deployment of continuous improvement methodologies. The Lean Healthcare Pocket Guide is a powerful toolkit that was designed for all staff in a facility. This book will assist any healthcare facility in enabling them into a Lean environment where the focus is on both driving strategic change and meeting operational goals.