The Miscellaneous Documents of the Senate of the United States

Price 50.03 - 54.80 USD

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9781235610615

This historic book may have numerous typos and missing text. Purchasers can download a free scanned copy of the original book (without typos) from the publisher. Not indexed. Not illustrated. 1877. Excerpt: ... EEPOET OF PROFESSOR BAIRD OX THE CENTENNIAL EXHIBITION OF 1876. Smithsonian Institution, Washington, January, 1877. Sie: I beg leave to present a statement of operations for 1876 connected with the Smithsonian department of the United States Centennial exhibit, in continuation of that given in the annual report of the Smithsonian Institution for the year 1876. At the end of the year 1875 the preparations for the exhibit referred to were in full operation, involving a great deal of arduous labor, for the purpose of having everything in readiness by the 10th of May, the date of the opening of the International Exhibition. As originally authorized by you, the display to be made by the Smithsonian Institution was to include, first, the mineral resources of the United States; second, its animal products; and third, its ethnology. The superintendence of the mineral section was intrusted to Prof. William P. Blake, of New Haven, a gentleman of much experience in such labors and familiarly acquainted with the mining industries of the United States generally. By visiting different localities, especially in Michigan, Missouri, and elsewhere, and by the efforts of several assistants, among them Mr. Charles M. Shepard, Mr. Howe, Professor Brodhead, and Professor Hitchcock, supplemented by au extensive and laborious correspondence, he succeeded in securing for the Institution a very full display of ores, building-stones, clays, &c. The arrangement made with Mr. Thomas Donaldson to gather a fall series of the ores of the precious metals of gold, silver and mercory from the Western States and Territories also continued to be highly productive, Mr. Donaldson personally visiting a great number of mining localities, and obtaiuing a full series of specimens, many of them ric...