The Single Truth

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9780768430042

Approximately 50 percent of American adults are single. Many of them don’t feel as though they fit in at church. Some wonder what they did wrong to miss the person they were supposed to marry. If they’re divorced, they may carry a burden of guilt and lies. They’re lonely, and many believe they’ve missed God’s greatest blessing for their lives. They want to be content but don’t think it’s possible. For some, singleness means fear, grief, and jealousy. If you are single and struggling with its attendant "stigma," The Single Truth offers you God’s liberating truths about singleness. Lori Smith clears away the fog and lies surrounding singleness and challenges you to live a full life and to see your singleness as a part of God’s good plan. She powerfully affirms that: * You’re OK just the way you are. * You have no need to be ashamed. * You are deeply loved by God. * Marriage isn’t better or worse—it’s different. * You can be content.