20 Years of Garrick Tremain: Politics from the Pen of a Leading Cartoonist

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9781869662295

In this "best of" collection from one of New Zealand"s leading political cartoonists, Garrick Tremain offers an hilarious perspective on some of the most notable - and most ridiculous - moments in New Zealand politics and popular culture from the last two decades. From the wine box enquiry to Tana Umaga"s infamous handbag incident, and featuring a cast of memorable characters from Muldoon to Bush, Tremain"s talent at finding the funny in everyday life is up there with the very best. A tireless wry wit has seen his career flourish with multiple newspapers publishing one of his cartoons seven days a week for many years, firmly securing his position as New Zealand"s most widely published political cartoonist. Now in semi-retirement, Tremain has whittled down his commitments to one cartoon a week which appears in the Sunday edition of the Otago Daily Times. This wonderful collection - handpicked by the cartoonist himself - is guaranteed to entice loads of laughs from anyone with even the slightest interest in New Zealand politics and social history.