Recht in Afrika · Law in Africa · Droit en Afrique 2011/1 (Recht in Afrika · Law in Africa · Droit en Afrique Year 2011, Issue 1)

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9783896458087

Inhaltsverzeichnis ? Table of contents ? Table de matières:Assefa Fiseha: Some Reflections on the Role of the Judiciary in Ethiopia Emmanuel Kam Yogo: L"impact du droit international des droits de l"homme sur la Loi constitutionnelle camerounaise du 18 janvier 1996Samuelson Freddie Khunou: Traditional Leadership: Politics and the Legal Parameters of the Independent Bantustans in South Africa Albert Mandjack: La notion de famille régnante dans le droit positif camerounais ou la tentation du contrôle total de la périphérie dans la désignation du chef traditionnelTilman Musch: Discourses about the "Landlessness" of Former Nomads. Two Conflict Cases in Sadina (Western Niger) - Berichte ? Reports ? Rapports:Chi Augustine Muam: Use of Cameroon Harmonised Criminal Procedure Code to Enforce Sectoral Environ¬mental Laws - Regionalbeiträge ? Regional contributions ? Contributions régionaux:Oyekanmi Adewoye: The Rule of Law and Good Governance in Africa - A Case Study of Nigeria - Tagungsberichte ? Conference reports ? Rapports de conférences:Lisa Nixdorf: Formal/Informal Law and Economic Development in Africa - Report on the Joint Conference of the Institute of African Studies at the University of Leipzig and of the African Law Association in Leipzig, GermanyUlrich Spellenberg: Humboldt Kolleg - On Ubuntu, Humanity and Good Faith/Equity as Flexible Principles in Law and Society in Southern Africa - Appropriate Principles in an Ever-Changing World? North West Uni¬versity, Potchefstroom Campus, Südafrika, 1.-3. September 2010 -Buchbesprechungen ? Reviews ? Compte-rendus de publications: Wolfgang Fikentscher: Law and Anthropology. Outlines, Issues and Suggestions, München 2009 (Ulrike Wanitzek, Bayreuth