DCI Pug Out Plug Organizer, Assorted Colors, Set of 2
Price 7.33 - 10.12 USD
Electronic devices comsume energy as long as they are plugged in. The enemy is the vampire energy loss which costs americans over 3 billion dollars a year. In theory, the vampire energy could be saved by simply unplugging. However, it is less convenient and visually cluttered to unplug the cables. If there was a way to suspend the cables in mid-air, people would unplug more. Introducing plug out. Plug out holds your cables near the wall outlet. Molded from silicone, it sticks to the wall with a double adhesive tape. Plug out defines a place for you to hang your unplugged cables. Plug out will encourage you to unplug your cables by giving you a place to dock your cables. You will save energy costs by unplugging appliances more frequently. Saving energy by encouraging better behavior.