Powders and Grains 2009: Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Micromechanics of Granular Media (AIP Conference Proceedings / Materials Physics and Applications)
Price 355.56 USD
Powders and Grains is an international scientific conference held every 4 years that brings together engineers and physicists interested in the microcmechanics of granular media, powders and grains. The meetings are organized by AEMMG (Association pour L"Etude de la Micromecanique des Milieux Granulaires). Previous meetings were held in Clement-Ferrand, France (1989), Birmingham, England (1993), Durham, USA (1997), Sendai, Japan (2001), and in Stuttgart, Germany (2005). Powders & Grains distinguishes itself from other meetings on granular materials in two ways: (1) It brings together both engineers and physicists. (2) It emphasizes the micromechanics of granular materials. The conference program includes contributions from experts around the world related to the general topic of granular media.