Classica et Mediaevalia Vol 60 (2009): Danish Journal of Philology and History
Price 64.80 - 72.95 USD
Classica et Mediaevalia is an international periodical with articles written by Danish and foreign scholars. They are mainly published in English, but sometimes in French and German as well. From a philological point of view, the periodical deals with Classical Antiquity in general and topics such as history of law, philosophy, and medieval ecclesiastic history. It covers the period from Greek-Roman Antiquity until the Late Middle Ages. Contents include: "Reflecting (In)Justice" in the Republic"s Line and Cave: Thrasymachus and Plato"s Level of eikasia * Quorum in the People"s Assembly in Classical Athens * Nektanebo in the Vita Aesopi and in Other Narratives * Chalcidian Politicians and Rome between 208 and 168 BC * Rewriting Dido: Ovid, Vergil and the Epistula Didonis ad Aeneam (AL 71 SB) * Seneca on Platonic Apatheia * Octavia and Renaissance Tragedy from Trissino to Shakespeare * A Dramatic Afterlife: The Byzantines on Ancient Drama and Its Authors * Nine Unidentified Verses in the Exempla Diversorum Auctorum * John of Salisbury, the Quadrivium and Demonstrative Science * Tully"s Late-Medieval Life: The Roots of the Renaissance in Cicero"s Biography