Auckland based hip-hop rock trio The Wyld present their debut album "Preface" -- featuring the singles "Revolution", "Full Circle", and "Rome".Back in 2007, Joe Pascoe, a Kiwi guitarist with an encyclopaedic knowledge of classic rock music, met up with Sudanese poet-turned-rapper Mo Kheir, while the two were studying architecture at the University of Auckland. Fast forward to 2009 and the two started regularly attending a weekly electronic music jam night hosted by their friend Marty, now the producer to Jupiter Project. In attendance was an American keyboardist, beat maker and singer named Brandon Nigri.Clicking through a shared sense of humour and musicality, the three started jamming out bedroom recordings which folded the vocal intimacy of indie acts like Bon Iver and The Black Keys onto a post Kanye West rap swagger, with a healthy dose of soundtrack cinematics, electronica and rock riffs underscoring all of the above.1. Phoenix2. Uphill3. Rome4. See a Light5. Revolution6. Used to Be7. Full Circle8. Gone9. Change10. Heart Attack (Studio Jam)11. Preface (Poem)