Reader"s Choice (Bk. 1)

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9780472081851

This volume presents another invaluable method for teaching English as a second language. It is based on the premise that reading is an interactive process in which readers use information from the text and their own background knowledge in order for communication to take place. The exercises provide practice in using both text-based knowledge and the background information of the reader. Skills units introduce and provide practice in text-based information processing. Opportunities for discussion before and after reading selections, and the focus on critical reading, require that students bring their background knowledge to bear during the entire reading process. These activities are designed to create independent readers who actively make decisions about how and what they will read, choosing strategies appropriate to their goals for a particular reading task, Book 1 is self-contained providing flexibility for classroom use while focusing on the skills efficient students of English need to develop and practice, including: problem solving, dictionary use, contextual vocabulary, word analysis, skimming, scanning, critical reading, reading comprehension, composition. Contents of Book 1 are:,