KJV Study Bible: Red Letter Reference (Leatherette)

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9781577489474

This classic study Bible (1909 edition) from C. I. Scofield offers a wealth of helpful features for the student of God"s Word. It"s an entire library of biblical knowledge. -- Scofield"s introductory notes, cross references, and explanatory footnotes to help readers understand difficult passages. -- A 96-page concordance and 42-page topical study for ease in tracing subjects and ideas through the Bible. -- A 72-page reference to subjects, footnotes, proper names, and Bible word definitions as a quick resource for help in understanding that which may be difficult. -- A daily Bible reading calendar to make Bible reading come alive. -- The unabridged classic by C. I. Scofield, Rightly Dividing the Word of Truth, for guidance in understanding the major teachings of the Bible.