All Purpose Poetry
Price 2.94 USD
Joan M. Green was born and raised in Queens, New York. She was one of seven children belonging to Lucille and Joseph Robinson.As a child, Joan loved to make up colorful fictional characters to share with her siblings and friends. In elementary school, when her class would visit the library, one could always find her in the poetry section, spending the entire time allotted there. Some of her favorite poets were Robert Frost, Maya Angelou, and Edgar Allan Poe, just to name a few.As she grew into adulthood, Joan found an affinity for helping others. As a result she took up nursing and worked in that field for many years, until she retired in 2006. Joan is and always has been an avid reader enjoying subjects such as science fiction, mystery, action adventures, National Geographic, and last, but never least, poetry. Joan is a believer in Jesus Christ and often reads the holy Bible, prays, and praises God.Joan is also a lover of the outdoors. She is and remains in love with anything almighty God had a hand in creating She has taken issue with the cruel roundup of the wild horses in the west, and abhors any mistreatment of helpless animals or children. She realizes deeply the suffering of humanity and is on a mission with her poetry to bring some semblance of sanity into its crazy mixed up troubled existence.Joan is the proud mother of three grown children, eleven grandchildren, and five great-grandchildren.No stranger to writing, Joan has authored and published three other poetry books, poetry is and has always been her forte. She enjoys writing and she thanks God for so lovingly bestowing on her this talent.