The Movieland Directory: Nearly 30,000 Addresses of Celebrity Homes, Film Locations and Historical Sites in the Los Angeles Area, 1900-Present

Price 85.50 - 93.25 USD

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9780786443376

The Los Angeles area feels almost alive with movie history. It is impossible to walk down any neighborhood block that didn"t play host to movie history on some level. From Chaplin walking Hollywood sidewalks in 1915 to the Three Stooges running down Culver City streets in 1930 to westerns filmed in the Valley in the 1950"s, the area has been the background for thousands of films and home to millions of movie people. Historical documents, census records, movie studio and institutional archives, and personal writings have all been scoured in order to compile the most exhaustive and complete Hollywood address listing ever compiled.