The Practice of Strategic Environmental Assessment
Price 52.13 USD
The practical application of strategic environmental assessment - the environmental assessment of policies, plans and programs - is becoming increasingly common. Whilst few countries have formal SEA regulations yet, a number of them have now issued guidance on how SEAs should be carried out, and a growing number of ad hoc assessments are being undertaken around the world. This book shows how SEA has been implemented over the last few years. Using detailed international case studies, it shows how best practice can be achieved, and how to most effectively carry out the various elements of SEAs. The first part of the book sets the context, with an international review of SEA regulations and guidance, and a discussion of SEA models and methodologies. Part two comprises case studies from those countries which have considerable experience, or particularly good examples of successful SEA. The case studies illustrate different scales and approaches to SEA, and are organised into four sections: sectoral SEAs; SEAs of landuse plans and policy SEA. The book closes with a discussion of the issues identified in the case-studies as being constraints to an effective SEA process, and of the positive learning points on how SEA can contribute to the increased effectiveness of environmental assessment. Clearly written by an international team of SEA practitioners and experts, this unique selection of case studies will be particularly suitable for anyone commissioning, carrying out or reviewing SEAs, as well as students of environmental assessment and management.