Kyokushinkai Karate

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 3760081021376


Kyokushinkai, the most renowned Karate Do style in the world, thanks to the show of the fights with real impact strikes. The search for knock out and the realism of the fighting define this style. With unique champions like Brazil’s Francisco Filho (K1) or the extraordinary Russian prodigy Lechi Kurbanov, this style created by Master Oyama seduces more and more new practitioners every year. Kihon technique, Kata and realistic bunkai, preparation to the fight, are demonstated here. This large overview of the Kyokushinkai Way is optimum thanks to great Extra Features , including the most beautiful fights of the French International Kyokunshinkai FKOK Tournament. Breathtaking ! LANGUAGES: Francais - English - Deutsch - Espanol - Russian EXTRA FEATURES : Chapters - Interactive Menus - Trailers - Photo Gallery - Extracts of the French Tournament - Seiienchin in the snow