Cambrian bibliography; containing an account of the books printed in the Welsh language, or relating to Wales, from the year 1546 to the end of the eighteenth century with biographical notices

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EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9781231095935

This historic book may have numerous typos and missing text. Purchasers can download a free scanned copy of the original book (without typos) from the publisher. Not indexed. Not illustrated. 1869 Excerpt: ...1680." Tr oedd yr Arnold hwn yn ddraen yn ystlysau yr lesuitiaid Cymreig. Yr oodd wedi mynu crogi un Cadbon Evans o Forganwg, a darfu i"r Pabyddion gynllwyu i"w lofruddio yn ebnvydd. 7. "An Account of an Attempt upon the Person of Mr. Arnold, one of His Majostie"s Justices of the Peace for the County of Monmouth, between 9 and 10 o"clock at night, 15 Ap. 1680." Y mao hwn yn hollol wahanol i"r un diweddaf uchod. Y mae yn rhoddi hanes neillduol am un "Master Herbert," yn sir Fynwy, Pabydd, a ddygodd gyhuddiad yn erbyn Mr. Arnold. 8. f "England"s Second Warning-Piece, Observation on the Barbarous Attempt to Murther Justice Arnold (a Person of above £1500 per annum, a very worthy gentleman, and a Justice of the Peace for Monmouthshire) Ap. 15. 1680, with a copy of the pretended Speech of Evans the Popish Priest executed in Glamorganshire." Ehoddir hanes am Goleg lesuitaidd " y Combe" (y Cwm), yn sir Henffordd, ac hefyd am farwolaeth Mr. Phil. Evaus, a Mr. John Lloyd, dau ofleiriad, a grogwyd yng Nghaerdydd, Morganwg. Yr oeddynt wedi tori gwddf Mr. Arnold, Ustus yr Iloddwch yn sir Fynwy, o glust i glust, er hyny efe a adferwyd. Dienyddiwydhefyd ollbiriad o"r enw Langhorn ym Mynwy. 1681. 1. (1.) "Canwyll y Cymru; Sef gwaith Mr. Bees Prichard gynt Ficcer Llanddyfri. A brintiwyd o"r blaen yn bedair rhan, wedi ei cyssylltu oil ynghyd ynun Llyfr. The Divine Poems of Mr. Eees Prichard, sometimes Vicar of Landovory, in Carmarthen Shire. Wherunto is added The Strange but True Narrative of the Chief Things, spoken and acted, by an unclean Spirit at Mascón. Translated out of French into English, by Dr. Peter Du Moulin, upon the desire of the Honourable Robert Boyle Esquire. And now done into Welsh, by S. Hughes of Swansey. London, Printed by Tho. Dawks, his Maje...